so why would i post the ramblings of a lunatic, seemingly coked out of his mind and manically talking about god and spirituality? read on:
TRUE, AT FIRST GLANCE at this video, these might seem like the ramblings of a madman... sort of like Charlie Sheen's manic "WINNING" period, clearly fueled by too much cocaine, but don't allow yourself to dismiss what's being said so readily as a result of that, or because you think his accent's funny or that he speaks quickly. there is genuine truth in what he's saying, and you'll certainly recognize it as such if you're a fan of JOSEPH CAMPBELL. his delivery might be more manic and humorous than Campbell's, but it's pretty much the same message. personally, i'm glad russell brand no longer does comedy, he was only mediocre at it anyway, and seems to now be on a campaign to spread his brand of spirituality, no pun intended. he's one of the few people who can, in a sentence, mention both god and spirituality, and it doesn't trigger an urge in me to never stop throwing up. because i know he's not talking about a dead misogynistic desert god who created the universe in 6 days, yet still gives a shit whether or not i touch myself, but he's talking about a connection to the universe that birthed us, a connection to nature which we should respect infinitely more than we do, and a connection to each other, which we fail at miserably on a minute by minute basis. these are aspects of "spirituality" that even the most hard boiled atheist like myself can respect, and not only do they not fly in the face of science, but can be readily backed up by it. there is infinitely more awe in the "god" of an atheist, which is the universe itself, which we are an integral part of, that destroyed stars to bring us life, than some fucking jewish sky wizard that condones slavery, thinks that every boy should have part of his penis cut off, and periodically murders all his children in a flood only to have them repopulate incestuously. you don't have to throw out everything we've learned as a species in order to connect with everything that has and will ever exist, you only need to expand your consciousness. it's that reason that i refer to traditional monotheists as religitards because their concept of god is so entirely insufficient, petty and clearly the fabrication of primitive people who are barely a chromosome away from being chimpanzees, as are we all.
i know, that was a lot to read, and you're on the internet for a quick laugh and maybe to beat off to free porn, but if you stuck with all that shit long enough to read it, THANK YOU and enjoy the video.
so why would i post the ramblings of a lunatic, seemingly coked out of his mind and manically talking about god and spirituality? read on:
TRUE, AT FIRST GLANCE at this video, these might seem like the ramblings of a madman... sort of like Charlie Sheen's manic "WINNING" period, clearly fueled by too much cocaine, but don't allow yourself to dismiss what's being said so readily as a result of that, or because you think his accent's funny or that he speaks quickly. there is genuine truth in what he's saying, and you'll certainly recognize it as such if you're a fan of JOSEPH CAMPBELL. his delivery might be more manic and humorous than Campbell's, but it's pretty much the same message. personally, i'm glad russell brand no longer does comedy, he was only mediocre at it anyway, and seems to now be on a campaign to spread his brand of spirituality, no pun intended. he's one of the few people who can, in a sentence, mention both god and spirituality, and it doesn't trigger an urge in me to never stop throwing up. because i know he's not talking about a dead misogynistic desert god who created the universe in 6 days, yet still gives a shit whether or not i touch myself, but he's talking about a connection to the universe that birthed us, a connection to nature which we should respect infinitely more than we do, and a connection to each other, which we fail at miserably on a minute by minute basis. these are aspects of "spirituality" that even the most hard boiled atheist like myself can respect, and not only do they not fly in the face of science, but can be readily backed up by it. there is infinitely more awe in the "god" of an atheist, which is the universe itself, which we are an integral part of, that destroyed stars to bring us life, than some fucking jewish sky wizard that condones slavery, thinks that every boy should have part of his penis cut off, and periodically murders all his children in a flood only to have them repopulate incestuously. you don't have to throw out everything we've learned as a species in order to connect with everything that has and will ever exist, you only need to expand your consciousness. it's that reason that i refer to traditional monotheists as religitards because their concept of god is so entirely insufficient, petty and clearly the fabrication of primitive people who are barely a chromosome away from being chimpanzees, as are we all.
i know, that was a lot to read, and you're on the internet for a quick laugh and maybe to beat off to free porn, but if you stuck with all that shit long enough to read it, THANK YOU and enjoy the video.