i sometimes run across a meme that really triggers my blood to flow about the conflict between science and faith, and am compelled to try and express my outlook on the topic. i'm a secular survivor of a devoutly religious upbringing so my opinions on the matter are hardly dispassionate. sometimes i try my best to explain myself clearly, sometimes i'll use hyperbole to drive my point home, sometimes i'll be deliberately inflammatory because i genuinely believe that shock can be a catalyst for a change in your outlook, sometimes i'll pretend to be angrier than i am, just as a lame attempt at humor, and sometimes i really am as pissed off as the things i write indicate. you're clearly a grown ass person, so i'll leave it to you to decide which of these writing techniques i'm using and when.
here's the latest example of what i mentioned, And my thoughts inspired by it.
here's the latest example of what i mentioned, And my thoughts inspired by it.
reason is the source of all enlightenment;
but in a theocracy,
reason becomes 'treason'.
but in a theocracy,
reason becomes 'treason'.
reason, enlightenment, these aren't just tools for scientific advancement, how else but reason blended with compassion did the great teacher Buddha cultivate wisdom? reason is what enables us to transcend our baser animal nature. it is reason that can save us from destroying ourselves. yet the world is teeming with religitards that would have you discard reason for faith...specifically, faith in the violent racist infanticidal god concocted by unevolved men. that is such an unacceptable choice and so obviously absurd that anyone with the capacity for thought would find it laughable; save for the sobering fact that so many have made that choice, the idea becomes saddening, frightening, and wholly disheartening.